Sunday, March 3, 2013

Task 2: Deliverable: ScreenR Turnitin

     This is my second ScreenR video and I have to say that I am getting better at it. It only took me about 5 tries versus 10 tries for my last screencast. I have also learned to take advantage of the pause button.

     The web 2.0 tool that I picked was Turnitin. It is this great site where students can submit their papers (drafts and final versions) and where teachers can grade them online. Teachers can leave feedback for the student attached to the paper via text comment or voice comment. This creates a more efficient way for teachers to grade a larger number of papers due to the increase in classroom sizes. Students can also use it to view their peers' drafts and give feedback on how they can improve their papers. The main purpose of Turnitin is it's effort to educate and stop plagiarism. When each paper is submitted, it is scanned for plagiarism by comparing it to tons of  webpages, publications, and other student papers. 

    I think Turnitin is a great web 2.0 tool to have in the classroom, but would I use it in my own classroom? Probably not, because I plan on teaching Preschoolers and I don't think that I will have them write papers. If I were to teach middle school or high school, I would definitely use it.

    I usually search for websites and tools by just google-ing the keyword. I think it's a good way to do it, as long as you don't be lazy and pick the first one you see. Do some research on it. Look deeper into it. Narrow it down to a few then pick the your favorite. I skimmed through the links that Prof. Hirata suggested, but the ones that caught my interest seemed a bit... Sketchy. I found Turnitin through my 8th grade cousin. I just asked him what web 2.0 tools he uses in school. Sometimes I think that's a better way- experience. Through my cousin is also how I found another site called Edmodo that I suggested to my group for week 7's topic.

So, here is the link my my ScreenR video about Turnitin:

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