Friday, May 3, 2013

Task 3 Reflection

     Well it's the end of the semester and this will be my last blog post. This week we were assigned to create a ScreenR presentation describing our scenario and the unique aspects of it.


1. Share the web address url of your group's ScreenR presentation.

2. Reflect on your contributions and how you contributed to making your group a success.

     This week I contributed to the group by giving my thoughts of what the unique aspects of our scenario are for the ScreenR presentation. Throughout the semester I believe that I contributed to the group by always giving my input and always helping get tasks done on time. We lost a couple group members, but Warren and I always managed to get the assignments done well and on time. We communicated frequently and easily which made getting the assignments done more stress-free. This class was fun. I usually don't like working in groups, but when all group members are on the same page and are there to support each other, it makes it more better and more enjoyable.

     I had a great semester! Have a great summer everyone!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Task 3-6 Reflection

     This week our group came up with strategies to dealing with the "Excuse-Meister" explained in Richard Dool's paper on "Managing Conflict in Online Student Groups".


1. Why is it important to use teams in PBL?

     Using teams in Problem Based Learning is essential for getting perspective. It allows students to solve their problem with an open mind, seeing solutions that they might not have thought of on their own. 

2. What are some of the problems you see in student teams?

     Along with Dool's personalities of the "Martyr", "Excuse-Meister", "Breathless in...", and "Silent Partner", the big problems are communication throughout the assignment and fulfilling the expectations of the group.

3. What strategies can you use to manage conflict in student teams?

     As the instructor it is a good idea to keep a close eye on the group (without seeming too obviously nosey) and to communicate with each student. Get all sides of the story and assign grades fairly according to teammate reflections. Be kind, be fair, keep your cool, and pass it on.

4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

     No questions or problems here. Warren and I have learned to work effectively in a group together... Too bad the semester is almost over.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 15 Teamwork

     The "Excuse-Meister"... We have to admit that there is an "excuse-meister" in all of us. Whether it be our busy work/life schedules or unplanned complications along the way, we can't let excuses stop us from completing assignments and working together as a team.

3 strategies to dealing with the "excuse-meister" in your group:

1. Communication: Everyone makes excuses. There will always be road blocks in our lives that cause delays or detours. Communicate with your teammates. Be kind, but also be honest. Tell your teammates if you are currently having issues. Let them know that they don't have to worry and you will get your part done soon, or if you can't get it done, maybe they can help you out with the assignment for the week. That's what teammates are for, to support each other (just don't take advantage of them!). Take note that we are adult learners and we all have lives outside the classroom that can interfere with school work. With that, remember to be honest. Be an adult and just admit when you can't get an assignment done or contribute to the group. You may not get much praise, but your teammates will appreciate your honesty.

2. Set schedules and goals: An "excuse-meister" usually makes excuses because he procrastinates. He makes excuses to himself and others that he will get his part done later, but by the time later rolls around it isn't done and he has come up with another excuse! Start small. Maybe set a schedule for when small ideas/parts should be contributed throughout the week. That way, a big daunting task due at the end of the week won't seem so overwhelming. Be sure to make it clear to your group about the seriousness of completing tasks in a timely matter. No one likes to have a student "piggy-back" off the group. A good teacher will allow students to reflect on their group members' contributions and assign grades as individuals.

3. Modes of communication: With online classes we don't have the benefit of seeing our teammates face-to-face on a weekly basis. It is harder to motivate (or guilt!) your teammates when you don't really know each other at all! We are all aware of how time consuming it is to turn on the computer, log onto Laulima, read everyone's forum postings, and write a response to it. Make it easier. Communicate through text. Everyone reads their texts because it is delivered instantly and people always use their phones (at this day in age). It is harder for an "excuse-meister" to make an excuse this way without sounding totally shady.

     Remember, everyone makes excuses from time to time, but don't let the excuses make you into an... (dum dum dummm!)... "Excuse-Meister"!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Task 3-5 Reflection

     This week we compiled the information from the whole of task 3 that we have been working on to make a Task 3 Final document.


1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?

     All the information that we needed for the final document was all pretty much already done in the prior document, so mostly all that we had to do was just copy/paste them into the right places.

2. What role did you play in the team this week?

     This week I just set up the doc, added information, and edited the doc.

3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

     Warren and I kept in touch through text like we have been doing before, this way we could immediately let the other know if we had any concerns and get them worked out quickly.

4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

     At first Warren and I were unsure if we had the right information in the right places of the document, but after sorting some things out and reviewing it, we were assured that our document looks  good.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Task 3-4 Reflection

     This week we continued to work on Google Docs. As a group we were assigned to define authentic assessment.


1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?

     This week I helped write about what our group learned about authentic assessment that was useful in building our scenario.

2. What role did you play on your team this week?

     This week played the role of editor of the doc.

3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

     Warren and I worked together well and accomplished the task timely, as we usually do.

4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

     At first we were unsure if we should have included our research about authentic assessment, but we just ended up leaving it up to help support our Screenr video explaination.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 13 Group 6 Current Event

Current Event Topic: Top three most effective ways of communicating with your peers in an online course.

Group 6 Members: Warren Shaw & Maile Yap

     The semester is almost over, and Warren and I can both agree that Ed. 279 has been the most communication-driven online class we have ever taken! We've learned a lot about ourselves; what and how we can contribute to a group. We've hit a few speed bumps on the way when we lost some group members, but we never let that slow us down. We kept a positive attitude and have supported each other throughout. We have also learned the most effective ways to communicate with each other in an online course...

1. Email/Laulima Forums: Group members can express themselves more thoroughly and they can attach pictures and links to help support their thoughts. This method can work well; however, not everyone checks their email or Laulima everyday.

2. Google Drive: This method is an excellent way for group members to work together with project related material. The auto save and sharing element of it makes it easy for members to work on it at their own time. The live chat tool is also another great element of Google Drive allowing members to work on their project simultaneously.

3. Phone (Text/Call): This method of communicating has worked the best for our group. We didn't start using text until Task 3, but it seems to work better than the first nine weeks combined! Though text group members can stay on top of tasks easily and instantly.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Task 3-3 Reflection

     This week we continued to work on Google Docs. As a group we were assigned to create a scenario for our Problem Based Learning assignment.


1. What roles did the members of your team have this week?

     Since I acted as a replacement facilitator for the current event forum discussion last week, Warren took the job of facilitator this week and I was a contributor. I prepared the Task 3 Google Doc, but Warren really  contributed a lot this week by creating the scenario and writing up the welcome and orientation memo.

2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to the group?

     I contributed to the group this week by editing our Google Doc scenario, welcome memo, and orientation memo.

3. What worked well this week?

     Warren and I continued to communicate via text message and it seems to work very well. I usually set up the Google Doc early in the week and we both just go in and fill it out.

4. What will you do differently next time?

     Next week I plan to contribute more to the assignment, making the time to work on it.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Week 11 Group 6 Current Event

Current Event Topic: As future teachers it is important that you are comfortable learning from online resources. Take a look at the list of online publications found in page 262 of your textbook. Identify an online article that describes a teacher using technology to support global learning.

Group 6 Members: Warren Shaw, KayLee Taylor, & Maile Yap

     This week our source came from Warren. It wasn't found from the list in the textbook, but from online research of his own. Talk about teachers using online resources! :)

     The blog article is called "The Role of Technology in Global Learning" from The Guardian's section about Teaching and Learning in the Global Classroom from the Teacher Network. It is about how schools in England, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Iceland, Poland, Greece, Finland, Lithuania, Turkey, and the Czech Republic use the internet to partner with each other on projects. They use online resources like Skype, FlashMeeting, Audacity, and Photostory to chat and share ideas.

     An English school collaborated online with a school in Sweden to create an animation of the adventures of Erik the Viking. Schools from England, Germany, Sweden, Lithuania, and Turkey even got together to create a pet contest where each class posted a pet photo and everyone voted for their favorite. The teachers like the idea of online global learning because it teaches the students first-hand about global awareness and helps improve their IT skills. Teachers also benefit from the support of teachers in other countries and the sharing of curriculum ideas.

     One way that an English school is taking the support of global learning even further is through their communications with schools in Uganda and Afghanistan. They started off by communicating online via FlashMeeting; however, when the internet connection dropped (which happened frequently), they had to come up with a new way. They turned to Nokia, who financially supported the project. Together they came up with ways for the students to exchange text, picture, and video messages with each other. Mobile communications seemed to work better because sometimes parts of Uganda have better mobile signals that in England!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Task 3-2 Reflection

     This week we continued to work on Google Docs. As a group we were assigned to create a Student Learning Outcome (SLO).


1. What roles did the members of your team have this week?

     It was KayLee's turn this week to be facilitator for the current event forum discussion, while Warren and I were the contributors. I acted as Task 3 leader for this week again by setting up the Google Document to be worked on. 

2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to the group?

     I set up the Google Document to be worked on and sent out an email to the group to arrange the best way to work on it. I also contributed to writing our group's SLO.

3. What worked well this week?

     This week our group tried a different way of communicating; through text. It worked better this way because we were able to communicate more efficiently, since not everyone checks their email every minute of the day.

4. What will you do differently next time?
     I actually think that this week went very well. We were able to start early and get the task done before the end of the week.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Task 3-1 Reflection

     This week we learned how to use Google Docs. As a group we were assigned to create a document addressing the benefits of Problem Based Learning (PBL).


1. What roles did the members of your team have this week?

     For this week's current event forum discussion, Warren was the facilitator and KayLee and I were the contributors. I acted as the Task 3 leader by creating the Google Document and sharing it with the rest of the group and instructor.

2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to the group?

    I created the Google Document, shared it with the group, tried to arrange a time for all members to work on it together, and started the document draft.

3. What worked well this week?

    Google Docs is a good tool to use when you work as a team because it saves instantly and automatically, and all members can access it at any time.

4. What will you do differently next time?

    Everyone has busy schedules and I think that most people take online classes so they can work on it at their own time. Therefore, it is hard for group members to work together in live time, especially during the week. I think if we have to work on it together in live time, we need a longer time period to turn it in. Otherwise, if we were to each write up and add to the document, we need to have a schedule planned out so that the document can be edited and completed in time.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 9 Group 6 Current Event

Current Event Topic: As a group select a type of academic software (Desktop publishing, Graphics, Reference, Tutorials and Drill-and-practice, Educational Games, Simulations, Authoring Systems, Special Needs, Integrated Learning Systems) from the textbook 8.1.  Discuss and narrow your choice down to one tool from that category that you think you may use or have used to support student learning.

Group 6 Members: Warren Shaw, KayLee Taylor, & Maile Yap

       Our group agreed that Educational Games are a very useful way to support student learning. For this we flashed back to our childhood and remembered games that we used to play...

       In elementary school a popular game to play was Oregon Trail. This game teaches students about 19th century pioneer life as they play as settlers making their way westbound on the Oregon Trail. Players are to hunt for food and take care of their wagon passengers on their long journey. They face difficulties like harsh weather and sickness/diseases. The goal of the game is to make it to Oregon with as many health passengers as possible and with enough money and possessions as possible.

       We believe that Educational Games are good learning tools because they can help teach schools subjects like social studies, science, spelling, and math, but to students it just seems like fun games. Children love to play games, why not take advantage of this tool? Educational Games can also help teach students to stay focused on accomplishing goals set by the games. However, from experience we suggest that teachers supervise the students because kids will be kids and kids like to fool around sometimes. ;)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Task 2: Deliverable: ScreenR Turnitin

     This is my second ScreenR video and I have to say that I am getting better at it. It only took me about 5 tries versus 10 tries for my last screencast. I have also learned to take advantage of the pause button.

     The web 2.0 tool that I picked was Turnitin. It is this great site where students can submit their papers (drafts and final versions) and where teachers can grade them online. Teachers can leave feedback for the student attached to the paper via text comment or voice comment. This creates a more efficient way for teachers to grade a larger number of papers due to the increase in classroom sizes. Students can also use it to view their peers' drafts and give feedback on how they can improve their papers. The main purpose of Turnitin is it's effort to educate and stop plagiarism. When each paper is submitted, it is scanned for plagiarism by comparing it to tons of  webpages, publications, and other student papers. 

    I think Turnitin is a great web 2.0 tool to have in the classroom, but would I use it in my own classroom? Probably not, because I plan on teaching Preschoolers and I don't think that I will have them write papers. If I were to teach middle school or high school, I would definitely use it.

    I usually search for websites and tools by just google-ing the keyword. I think it's a good way to do it, as long as you don't be lazy and pick the first one you see. Do some research on it. Look deeper into it. Narrow it down to a few then pick the your favorite. I skimmed through the links that Prof. Hirata suggested, but the ones that caught my interest seemed a bit... Sketchy. I found Turnitin through my 8th grade cousin. I just asked him what web 2.0 tools he uses in school. Sometimes I think that's a better way- experience. Through my cousin is also how I found another site called Edmodo that I suggested to my group for week 7's topic.

So, here is the link my my ScreenR video about Turnitin:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Task 1: Deliverable: ScreenR Google Reader

     So far this class has made me feel like an old lady who is so out of touch with technology! I've learned there is so much more than just Gmail, YouTube, and Facebook. This has been my first time using tools like Blogger, Google Reader, Diigo, Twitter, and iGoogle. When I looked over the tasks list in the beginning of the semester, I have to admit, I was pretty intimidated. But I've realized it is so simple and such good resources! I will definitely continue using these tools in the future. I even think that posting blogs on Blogger is fun! I used to think that people who blogged had waaayyy too much time on their hands, but it is so fast and easy.

     There are so many advantages to being a tech-savvy teacher with a refined personal learning network. It allows the teacher to keep in touch with her new generation students and the fast-paced outside world. It also gives the teacher new ways to shake things up and always keep learning interesting.

     My ScreenR video is on "How to use Google Reader". Honestly it took me about 10 tries to get it right. I always wondered how these videos were made, thinking it was a super complicated process that only the super techies knew how to make. ScreenR is such a good tool for online teachers to use.

To view my ScreenR video click on this link:

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 6 Group 6 Current Event

Current Event Topic: iPads... Are they all that they are made out to be as they relate to whole classroom?  Identify an article, blog post or website that takes a position (which you agree with) on the usefulness of the Apple iPad in the classroom.

Group 6 Members: Warren Shaw, KayLee Taylor, & Maile Yap

Online Source: "How Tablets are Invading the Classroom" by Digital Trends

       All three members in group 6 can agree that tablets in the classroom are a useful education tool. Many schools also agree that tablets are useful in the classroom and have begun using them. Students are tech-savvy at young ages that it is easy for them to adopt all forms of new technology. Digital textbook are becoming popular and saves students for lugging around backpacks full of heavy books. Schools are also putting more money towards IT spending, more spending than ever before.

      While tablets such as the iPad, Kindle, Nook, Surface, and Android tablets are cheaper and more handy than desktop computers and laptops, we still believe that is a pretty costly learning expense for something so fragile. We can assume that high school students can be responsible with these learning investments in school, but how about the younger students? Some schools are trying to even get their Kindergartners to use tablets. It could teach them to be responsible with technology, but at what cost?

     In addition, are we beginning to depend too much on technology? How about the "old school" methods of reading actual physical books and hand writing papers and notes? Personally, I still find those methods useful. We don't want the new generation to be totally dependent on technology and be devastated and lost if something like a power outage (or the internet crashing- haha) to ever happen.

The article "How Tablets are Invading the Classroom" by Digital Trends compares the "contenders for the top classroom tablet". Apple iPads are the most popular, but most expensive. Less expensive tablets such as Amazon Kindles, Barns & Noble Nooks, Google Nexus 7's, other Android tablets, and Microsoft Surfaces are also gaining popularity in trials at many schools.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week 3 Group 6 Current Event

Current Event Topic: Identify an online source that is an example of differentiated instruction using technology.

Group 6 Members: Warren Shaw, KayLee Taylor, & Maile Yap

      All students learn differently. We all know that. According to Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, learners can posses different types of intelligences like: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetics, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential. Think about how you learn best. Does sitting and listening to a professor lecture the best for you? Do you do better taking notes? Do hands-on labs help you comprehend material better? Do you like studying in a group or on your own? We are all different. The fact is, there is just one teacher in the classroom who has to make sure that everyone in his/her classroom learns. Teachers in this century are using technology to aid them. With the use of technology, the teacher can teach each student the same concept using the different methods technology has to offer that best suits each students' different learning styles.

     Forest Lake Elementary School in Columbia, South Carolina describes how they use technology to teach differentiated instruction in their Kindergarten to 5th grade classrooms in the article "Differentiated Instruction: Getting Personal With Technology" provided by Edutopia. They describe the success they have had since becoming a technology magnet school. They also discuss how it was a bit of a struggle at first for the teachers to start integrating technology into their classrooms, but they realized that gave them more time to plan more complex assignments and provide students more individualized instruction. Using technology, the school sees that they can teach all students effectively without "... dumbing things down for one child in order to challenge another. You're challenging every child at her level..." Each student can learn with the best of his/her abilities to his/her own potential.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 2 Group 6 Current Event

Current Event Topic: Identify an online source for expanding your technology literacy.

Group 6 Members: Warren Shaw, Kaylee Taylor, Maile Yap, & Jasmine Yoshikawa

Online Source: "Professional Development On-line Tutorials" by East Central Educational Service Center (E.C.E.S.C.)

      In this day in age, students are very "tech-savvy". Pretty much most of their time is spent on some sort of technological device. If that is what grasps their attention, shouldn't educators use that resource to their advantage? It is a great idea; however, there are some teachers out there that aren't as "tech-savvy" as their younger generation students. "Professional Development On-line Tutorials" provided by the East Central Educational Service Center provides teachers with links to tutorials of different online resources that they can use to conduct their teaching. It has tutorials like how to use a Mac and Microsoft Excel. As well as sites on how to teach an online class well. It even has a tutorial on how to use a Kindle since e-books are so popular now. It is basically a resource to make sure that you, the teacher, know how to use technology and can confidently use it to help your students learn.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Self Introduction

Hi everyone! My name is Maile Yap, and here is my first blog post for Ed279 class and first blog post ever. I am just the average tech-y. I email and facebook, and that's pretty much it. I think I'll learn a whole lot from this class this semester.

To answer the question, what is my favorite technology gadget or gizmo? I would have to say that I love my iPhone. I finally got an iPhone in March and I am hooked. All these other new phones that can share videos by just tapping them together, I don't buy it. I can't wait to get the iPhone5 in March (because I'm not paying a ridiculous amount of money when it will be cheaper in a few months).

To describe my work style. I am pretty good at online classes. I have been doing them for about 4 semesters  , a total of 8 classes online. I turn in assignments on time and always do my best. 2 skills or traits that I will bring to an online group is that I am easy to get in contact with. I always have my cell on me and I frequently check my email. Another is that I am a bit of a perfectionist. When I do a task, I do it well and make sure that task is completed at a timely matter. I panic when something doesn't go right or according to schedule (that could also be a flaw too...). But if we're in a group together, we are going to get the project done on time and it will be awesome.

Linked is a video about how Singapore is integrating technology into their education system. I thought this would be an interesting video because I am from Singapore. (Don't worry if you can't follow along with their Singaporean accent... I was born and raised there and I can't follow along with it very well either!)
>>> Singapore's 21st-Century Teaching Strategies video

Hope you enjoyed my first blog!
Maile :)